Pro Women!

Liz Lemon likes women! She sets out to prove that on an episode of 30 Rock.
Rating: 4.0 / 5.0

Liz Lemon Photo

Liz Lemon, played by the incomparable Tina Fey, is the central character on NBC's 30 Rock.
Rating: 3.7 / 5.0

Trashed Liz

This does not bode well for Liz Lemon. She has definitely seen better days.
Rating: 2.0 / 5.0

Surveying the Staff

Liz Lemon surveys her staff in this scene from "Winter Madness." It's the 1/21/10 episode of 30 Rock.
Rating: Unrated

Liz and Danny

Yes, that's Cheyenne Jackson as Danny (as a police officer) in this scene from 30 Rock. It's courtesy of the episode "Black Light Attack!."
Rating: Unrated

Elizabeth Lemon

Presumably Liz is short for Elizabeth. Although either way, the lead character on 30 Rock often goes by simply "Lemon."
Rating: Unrated

Liz Drops the Bling

... and then drops down to look for it. All after Jack coined a new phrase to describe Elisa - "the one."
Rating: Unrated

Liz Gets a Call

Liz Lemon in "Apollo, Apollo" from the third season of 30 Rock. Tina Fey is just the best.
Rating: Unrated

Not in The Bubble

Dr. Drew is, but Liz Lemon is just there to burst it.
Rating: Unrated

Liz Lemon Lights Up

This has wholly unintended consequences for the rest of the 30 Rock gang.
Rating: Unrated

Poor Liz Lemon

Liz Lemon's romantic misadventures are growing epic.
Rating: Unrated

A Spinster?

Will Liz die alone? That's the fear of the TGS staff on the 30 Rock episode "It's Never Too Late for Now."
Rating: Unrated