Christina Fitting Wilhelmina

Christina is trying to fit Wilhelmina into her size 2 dress. Looks like someone put on a little weight.

Marc, Amanda and Betty are Nervous

Marc, Amanda and Betty stand by nervously as they're being interviewed by Wilhelmina to see if they're the leaks or if they get to keep their jobs. Everyone, stay quiet!

Marc Kissing up to Wilhelmina

As Marc is doing his best to massage Wilhelmina's feet and kiss up, she reminds him she has five other foot sycophants waiting to replace him on speed dial.

Marc and Amanda Ride with Justin

Marc and Amanda seem less than thrilled to share an elevator with Betty and her nephew, Justin. Though Marc does like Justin pointing out Amanda's two year old shoes.

Wilhelmina and Hew Hair

Marc stands by his beautiful boss Wilhelmina fresh after her makeover she got for the senator. Man this guy is important!

Wilhelmina and Marc

Wilhelmina and Marc desperately spend this episode getting ready for the senator. Everything needs to be perfect for this mystery man!

Marc Loves Betty's Unique Desk

Marc can't help but give a goofy smile when he sees how unique Betty set up her desk. It's just so... her.

Marc in Wilhelmina's Office

Marc stands by in Wilhelmina's office awaiting his next instructions. He just returned from buying the book that Gina stole from Betty.

Marc and Amanda First Tormenting

The deliciously evil duo known as Marc and Amanda torment Betty together for the first time on the pilot. We heart these two!

Marc Injects Wilhelmina's Botox

Marc is Wilhelmina's assistant so naturally one of his job duties includes injecting daily botox into Wilhelmina's face.

Wilhelmina and Her Assistants

Does Wilhelmina have room for two assistants: Marc AND Betty? Someone is going to have to go.

Mandy and Marc

Our favorite duo, Marc and Mandy, are awaiting Wilhelmina to give the boss the botox injection. After all, it is Marc's favorite job to do.

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.