Nolan Looks Relieved - Revenge Season 4 Episode 6

Nolan is so relieved that David Clarke is alive but is he missing something in this scenario?
Rating: Unrated

With Victoria Involved - Revenge Season 4 Episode 6

With Victoria involved we don't trust anything that's happening with David. Her top priority seems to be to use him to stick it to Emily.
Rating: Unrated

The Reunion - Revenge Season 4 Episode 6

Why on earth would Nolan agree to an on camera reunion with his old friend? We hope this isn't live TV.
Rating: Unrated

Everyone Is Watching - Revenge Season 4 Episode 6

Everyone in the Hamptons is watching and waiting to see what David Clarke will do next.
Rating: Unrated

Tell HIm the Truth - Revenge Season 4 Episode 6

We wish Nolan would finally tell David the truth but we're guessing David's got something to tell Nolan that he probably won't like.
Rating: Unrated

Mending Fences - Revenge Season 4 Episode 11

Will Daniel's death help mend fences between David and Nolan even after David turned on him?
Rating: Unrated

Nolan's On the Case - Revenge Season 4 Episode 11

It looks like Nolan's on the case to help track down the mysterious and deadly Malcolm Black.
Rating: Unrated

A Lot of Wine - Revenge Season 4 Episode 11

We think it's going to take more than one glass of wine to get these four people to work together to find the man behind Daniel's death.
Rating: Unrated

Louise and Nolan - Revenge

Louise and Nolan continue to get closer on Revenge. "Abduciton" is the 13th episode of the show's fourth season.
Rating: Unrated

There, There Now... - Revenge

Nolan holds Louise in this scene from Revenge. It is courtesy of the Season 4 episode titled "Kindred."
Rating: Unrated

BFF's for Life-Revenge Season 3 Episode 1

Ten years later, Emily returned the favor and was there when Nolan was released.
Rating: Unrated

Nolan Sizes Aiden Up - Revenge

Nolan Ross is the #1 man in Emily's life, but that doesn't mean he can't make room for others in their revenge plans.
Rating: Unrated

Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
