Not Buying It

Whatever story Castle is being told, he certainly doesn't look as though he's buying it.
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Did Castle Know?

Kate has a long history of keeping secrets. If she was performing her own private surveillance operation, did she share it with Castle?
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A Motorcycling Murderer

Castle and Beckett must find a mysterious motorcycling murderer in "Law & Boarder"
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A Serious Turn

An investigation takes a serious turn when he U.S. Attorney is involved on Castle. "The Greater Good" is the 19th episode of the show's sixth season.
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Murder and Family

A murder investigation ends up involving Capt. Gates family on Castle. "The Greater Good" is the 19th episode of the show's sixth season.
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Investigating a Murder

Castle and Beckett have a new murder to solve and it looks like Kate's got another new coat to do it in.
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Castle's Intrigued

Castle is intrigued by the latest murder. Wait until he finds out the victim is a confidential informant.
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Looking Pretty in Pink

It's pretty rare for Beckett to wear pink on the job which is a shame. She looks gorgeous in the color.
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Swapping Theories

Lanie, Castle, and Ryan are swapping theories but at this point they have no idea that their latest murder will lead them to the Captain's estranged sister.
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A Body Burned

Kate Beckett checks out a burned body at a crime scene on Castle. "Under Fire" is the 11th episode of the show's sixth season.
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Beckett Gets Shot - Season 3

Talk about a "Knockout" punch. In the Castle season 3 finale, Kate Beckett is shot by a sniper at Capt. Montgomery's funeral. All Castle can do is hold her and tell her he loves her.
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I Just Want You - Season 4

After 4 seasons, Kate showed up at Castle's door to tell him exactly what she wanted. The kiss up against the door in "Always" left shipper hearts aflutter for the entire summer.
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Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
