Harry and Sons

Harry has one real son and one adopted son. But Dixon views Harry like his biological father, as he ought to.

Harry, Son

Harry tries to bond with his long lost son, Sean. But this youngster isn't exactly all he seems to be.

Harry and Debbie Pic

Harry and Debbie are the perfect couple. They also seem to be ideal parents to Dixon and Annie.

Kelly and Brenda Picture

Kelly and Brenda are long-time friends. They're also part-time enemies, of course.

Adrianna Drama

This is a scene from "Hello, Goodbye, Amen." In it, Adrianna addresses a crowd.

Adrianna and Brenda

We have a feeling that 2009 isn't gonna go any smoother for Adrianna than 2008 did. Here's a shot of the troubled teen with Brenda.

A Bad Brother

What is Sean up to on 90210? Viewers will find out when the series returns with the episode "Hello, Goodbye, Amen."

Father and Son Picture

Harry bonds with son Dixon in the first 90210 episode of 2009. The installment is titled "Hello, Goodbye, Amen."

90210 Season 1 Episode 12 Quotes

Dixon: Christina came along and she exposed me to some really amazing things. But, I know you hate her.
Silver: Okay, well hate is a very strong word. Loathe and detest, maybe.

Silver: I need you to do one thing for me.
Dixon: I know. I'll never lie to you again.
Silver: No, not that. Introduce me to Denzel!