Alex Wagner-Trugman

Alex Wagner-Trugman is sort of geeky. But he's also sort of cute and talented, as proven here during a Hollywood audition.

Jasmine Murray Image

Jasmine Murray shows off her vocal chops during the second night of auditions in Hollywood. We like her chances on season eight.

Taylor Vaifanua in Hollywood

We really liked the performance of Taylor Vaifanua in Hollywood during the second night of auditions there. We have high hopes for this contestant.

Adam Lambert Still

Adam Lambert was part of a decent group during the second night of American Idol auditions in Hollywood. Here's a shot of the stage actor on the show.

Danny Gokey Shot

Sadly, the wife of Danny Gokey passed away a few weeks before his initial audition for American Idol. But the singer has carried on and advanced to the Hollywood rounds, at least, on American Idol.

Jorge Nunez Picture

Jorge Nunez may look harmless, but look out fellow American Idol contestants! This singer has what it takes to go all the way!

Lil Rounds Audition Photo

Following her rendition of "I Will Always Love You" in Hollywood, Lil Rounds received a standing ovation from the American Idol judges. It was well-deserved.

Jorge Nunez Photo

Jorge Nunez impressed judges during his San Juan audition. Randy Jackson said it was "brilliant."

Joanna Pacitti Pic

Joanna Pacitti is considered a "ringer" by some American Idol critics. She has already released a CD and starred in a production of Annie.

Rose Flack Picture

Rose Flack is a contestant on American Idol's eighth season. The 17-year old hails from Idaho and tried out for the show in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Anne Marie Boskovich Photo

Anne Marie Boskovich likely has a professional singing career ahead of her. She's made quite an impression on viewers during season eight of American Idol.

Katrina Darrell, Hooters

Katrina Darrell used to work at Hooters. Is this really any kind of shock, American Idol fans?