Still Chatting - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Oliver looks kind of peeved at whatever advice John Constantine gave him, as if he could have done without it. Can't wait to hear what it was, and hope dearly it doesn't result in a flashback cutaway.

Sage Advice - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Surely John Constantine is offering to Oliver Queen some sage advice about...something. It it Nanda Parbat where they are or some other location that just looks a lot like it?

Hark! - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Who goes there?! They sure looks surprised, with the exception of Constantine, who is in his usual stance on the floor.

Oliver Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Oliver is partially suited up, just like Laurel. Neither are sporting head gear, so they must not have any worries about being spotted or outed while they're out on location.

Reading the Writing - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Constantine is reading the writing on the floor. Normally people read the writing on the wall, but Constantine has to work with what he's got, and he gets writing on the floor a lot more often than not.

Don't Move! - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Constantine has a warning for Oliver and Laurel not to move any farther. Are they back in Nanda Parbat? What are they looking for and more importantly, what did he find?

Black Canary and John Constantine - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

How cool is this? Black Canary and John Constantine. When worlds collide! Hey, that's going to be the title of my slideshow. Not bad, right?

Heads Turned - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Thea and Diggle are listening intently to whatever is going on. There isn't a whole lot of suiting up going on in this particular hour, is there?

Lots of Waiting - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Is the ceremony over? Is Sara saved? There is lot of waiting around going on while whatever happens happens.

Like a Scary Movie - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Can you imagine Oliver and Felicity watching scary movies at home, Ms. Smoak jumping into her boyfriend's strong arms everytime something goes bump in the night?

Worried - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Thea is worried about what's going down, which is rather nice if we've read the situation right up to now. Of course, she's kind of in the same boat as Sara. Maybe Constantine can do a little magic on her, as well.

Performing the Ceremony - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Oliver and Laurel are integral to the ceremony. I wonder why it's not Lance in the circle instead of Oliver? That should be interesting to figure out.

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
