Angry Oliver - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

And here's where Oliver tells Laurel he's more than a little bit unhappy at the current situation that has been kept from him about Sara. Right? Come on. We can read that face!

Concerned Brother - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Given the looks on their faces, it might have been Sara who send Thea to the hospital. Was she trying to satisfy her bloodlust? That would certainly make sense.

Thea Laid Up - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Thea is in the hospital! But why? Nothing in the trailer or the write up has given any indication why she might be there. Pit problems or Sara problems? A bit of both?

In a Circle - Arrow

John Constantine is working his magic in this photo from "Haunted" with Oliver and Laurel holding hands and Sara smack dab in the middle of the action. Hope it works!

Begging - Arrow Season 4 Episode 4

Is Laurel begging her rather to listen to her, to wait to make a decision on Sara's fate before he acts so that he has time to consider all possible alternatives? It's going to be an emotional and intense hour!

Spotting Her - Arrow Season 4 Episode 4

Lance seems to have spotted his daughter. Alive again, but not in the condition he could have ever imagined. How angry do we expect him to be on a scale of 1-10?

Desperate - Arrow Season 4 Episode 4

Quentin Lance seems absolutely desperate. Well, things were already out of hand, given that he's working with Damien Darhk and all. Why not go from bad to worse?

Trying Again - Arrow Season 4 Episode 4

Laurel tries again with the photo and the memories. Perhaps if she tries harder, something will pique Sara's interest. At least Sara seems to be looking intently at what's in front of her.

Scared - Arrow Season 4 Episode 4

Sara looks scared. When was the last time we saw that? On the ship after escaping the island. She has spent a good portion of her young life caged or tied up.

Waiting - Arrow Season 4 Episode 4

Laurel is waiting for something to happen. Will she get any good news? Not likely, as John Constantine arrives to help in the next episode.

Sibling Love - Arrow Season 4 Episode 4

Laurel shines so bright as she looks at her sister, Sara. There is no malice in her as she sits here, trying to bring back the spirit she hopes survived through the darkness and the Pit.

Daddy - Arrow Season 4 Episode 4

Daddy arrives thanks to the inerference of Damien Darhk. If he thinks Darhk is doing him any favors by sharing information, he's dead wrong. And what does Lance want? Sara dead.

Arrow Quotes

Thea: I missed you so much.
Oliver: You were with me the whole time.

To live I had to make myself more than what I was, to forge myself into a weapon. I am returning not the boy who was shipwrecked, but the man who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my city. My name is Oliver Queen.
