The Butterjunk Effect Scene

The gang is pretty much all here. This is a scene from the Futurama episode "The Butterjunk Effect."
Rating: Unrated

Fry & Bender On the Hunt

Fry and Bender go on a search on Futurama. "Fun on a Bun" is the eighth episode of the show's ninth season.
Rating: Unrated

Bender Searches For the Meaning of Life

Bender searches for the meaning of life after learning that robots lack freedom of choice on Futurama. "Free Will Hunting" is the tenth episode of the show's ninth season.
Rating: Unrated

Leela Picture

A picture of Turanga Leela from Futurama, the Planet Express captain.
Rating: Unrated

Professor Has to Deal

Professor has to deal with his parents now that they've ended their retirement on Futurama. "Near Death Wish" is the 11th episode of the show's ninth season.
Rating: Unrated

The Heist

The crew tries to pull off a casino heist on Futurama. "Viva Mars Vegas" is the 12th episode of the ninth season.
Rating: Unrated

Fry Picture

A picture of Philip J. Fry, the protagonist of Matt Groening's amazing sci-fi cartoon, Futurama.
Rating: Unrated

A Head in the Polls

Leela with Nixon and Bender's heads
Rating: Unrated

Why Must I Be a Crustacean in Love

Dr. Zoidberg and Fry fighting
Rating: Unrated

The Lesser of Two Evils

Bender and Flexo fighting
Rating: Unrated

Raging Bender

Bender fighting in the Ultimate Robot Fighting League
Rating: Unrated

A Bicyclops Built for Two

Leela and Alkazar
Rating: Unrated

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!