A Difficult Friendship

Blair and Serena don't always find it easy to be friends, given their shared past. But they do their best and deep down seem to really be fond of and caring about one another.

Recovering a Bit

Blair Waldorf, having been rescued by Serena, tries to get over the pie incident by dishing some good gossip at a New York diner. What could be finer?

Jenny Up Close

An up close photo of Jenny Humphrey (Taylor Momsen). This girl is very pretty... and young, and at times confused. That is Gossip Girl for you!

Young Jenny

Teenager Jenny Humphrey (Taylor Momsen) is one of the most intriguing characters on Gossip Girl. This youngster doesn't quite know how to fit in... or how worth it it is to try.

Humphrey Siblings

Dan and Jenny Humphrey are very nice kids and totally believable siblings. They want to fit in but have a great set of values deep down.

Beaming Blair

Blair cracks a smile on what was a ready tough Thanksgiving for her, with her dad not showing up, her mother lying about it, and tensions rising once again with Serena.

Jenny and Eric

Jenny Humphrey and Eric van der Woodsen, despite being more seldom used characters on Gossip Girl, are totally friends!

Serena, Lily, Eric

Serena, Lily and brother Eric bond over some fries. Now if that's not a Thanksgiving tradition, I don't know what is.

A Beautiful Blair

Blair Waldorf is gorgeous and is the teen queen of her high school... but many problems lie beneath that perfect exterior.

Lily Listens

And Mrs. van der Woodsen is not entirely pleased at what she hears as Rufus and Allison have unknowingly invited her to an awkward Thanksgiving.

Dan and Allison

Dan Humphrey and his mother have a heart to heart after some very interesting family gossip becomes known.

Smiling Serena

Serena van der Woodsen (Blake Lively) is all smiles in this still photo from "Blair Waldorf Must Pie!" The episode aired originally on November 28, 2007.

Gossip Girl Season 1 Quotes

Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock is ticking.

Gossip Girl

Mrs. Waldorf: If you're gonna wear one of my designs, at least tell me so we can have it fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom.