Real Charlie!

The real Charlie in the February 13, 2012 episode of Gossip Girl. Should be a good one!

Cute Blair Pic

Blair looks cute in this photo from next week's Gossip Girl. "The Backup Dan" is the 101st episode of the series.

Bride on the Run

Blair has fled. With Dan. Where will their adventures take them?

Blair Hearts NY

Never thought you'd see Blair in a t-shirt like that, did you?

A Dan and Blair Photo

Dan and Blair in the February 6, 2012 episode of Gossip Girl. "The Backup Dan" picks up after they fled the wedding reception.

A Runaway Bride!

Blair Waldorf is famous! Here's a shot of her from the February 6, 2012 episode of Gossip Girl, after she bolted from her wedding reception.

Off to the Airport

Dan and Blair make a break for it in "The Backup Dan." The episode airs February 6, 2012 on the CW.

Dan and Blair at the Airport

Dan and Blair at the airport in "The Backup Dan."

Geor-Gina Pic

Georgina Sparks. She never lets us down when we need the drama cranked up.

Blair Post-Wedding

Chuck and Blair in a photo from "The Backup Dan." The episode airs February 6, 2012 on the CW.

Chair Post-Wedding Photo!

Chuck and Blair in a photo from "The Backup Dan." The episode airs February 6, 2012 on the CW.

Chuck and Georgina Pic

Chuck and Georgina in a photo from "The Backup Dan." The episode airs February 6, 2012 on the CW.

Gossip Girl Season 5 Quotes

Dan: It's Blair's Save the Date.
Rufus: You're not happy. You guys are still friends, right?
Dan: Yeah. Friends. I wonder if she invited Chuck.
Rufus: If he's anywhere that FedEx can reach.

Dan: Dad! What are you doing here? I thought you'd still be in London helping Jenny set up St. Martin's.
Rufus: She and Eric kicked me out when I didn't know who Sierra Burton was, so I came back here early and thought I'd spend some time with you.