A Happy April

April finds something very funny in this Grey's Anatomy scene. It's from the fun episode "If/Then."

Still Hot

Jackson remains hot, even if an alternate Grey's Anatomy universe. No shock there, huh?

Meredith Engaged!

Meredith is engaged! But to whom you might think, as this is a shot from the unique "What If" episode of Grey's Anatomy.

Sunny Meredith

Yes, folks, this is a photo of a happy Meredith Grey. It's how she'd be if her mother had remained healthy.

A Diffrent Cristina

Cristina is seen here during a very special Grey's Anatomy episode. It's the installment that wonders what might have happened if various things went differently.

Alternate Universe Couple

Bet you never saw this couple coming! A cheery Meredith is with a nerdy Alex on the special "What If" episode of Grey's Anatomy.


Meredith and a geeky Alex?!? Hey, you never know. This may have happened if certain events had gone a certain way.

Grey's Anatomy Season 8 Episode 13 Quotes

What if one little thing I said or did could have made it all fall apart?


Meredith The baby you have is the baby you were destined to have. It was meant to be.

Grey's Anatomy Season 8 Episode 13 Music

  Song Artist
Ruby Blue Roisin Murphy iTunes
Into the Fire Thirteen Senses iTunes
Flowers Bloom High Highs iTunes