Broken Tom - Grey's Anatomy Season 17 Episode 3

Tom is having a hard time after Teddy broke up with him again he lost his power and he has COVID-19

Falling in the Sand - Grey's Anatomy Season 17 Episode 3

Meredith is having a hard time reaching Derek in her dreams as she runs through the sand and falls.

Richard POA - Grey's Anatomy Season 17 Episode 3

Mer chooses Richard to be her new personal card provider and healthcare proxy in Alex's absence on the new episode.

Worried Sister - Grey's Anatomy Season 17 Episode 3

Maggie is stressed out from losing so many patients and super worried about Meredith's rapidly declining health.

Mer Scan - Grey's Anatomy Season 17 Episode 3

Meredith gets a scan of her lungs as they treat her for COVID-19 on Grey's anatomy season 17 episode 3.

Dealing With Covid - Grey's Anatomy

The staff of Grey's Sloan must deal with the reality of the pandemic on Grey's Anatomy. "My Happy Ending" is the third episode of the show's 17th season.

Grey's Anatomy Season 17 Episode 3 Quotes

Oh yay, we have new babies! How many are gonna die?


Teddy: I told them to take away your login privileges.
Mer: I have connections. I own the place.