Angela Preaches

In "I am Become Death," Angela speaks to Hiro and Ando. She has harsh words for this hopeful Heroes.

Evil Jesse

Peter was trapped inside the body of bad guy Jesse Murphy for awhile. But that's no longer the case.

Flint in Action

Look out, Elle! Flint has a similar, striking power to yours.

Fighting Friends

Might Hiro and Ando be in trouble? Where will we get our laughs every episode if this friendship comes to an end?

Tracy and Micah

Tracy bonds with Micah. Thanks to his abilities, she soon learns about Dr. Zimmerman.

Stuck Peter

Peter is still stuck in the body of a villain during "One of Us, One of Them." That's never fun.

A Fighting Lesson

Claire wants to go on the attack. So she turns to her birth mom in order to learn how to fight.

Popcorn Lover

Daphne is quick! But even she can take a break from running around in order to grab a snack.

Hiro, Daphne, Ando

Hiro can't shake his nemesis. As seen here, Daphne is everywhere that Hiro and Ando are.

The German Photo

You don't wanna mess with The German. He's one of several escaped villains in the chapter aptly named "Villains."

New Sylar

It's safe to say Sylar is reborn on season three of Heroes. He actually takes on a partner in "One of Us, One of Them."

Flint Pic

Flint is one of the escaped villains that causes serious mayhem on Heroes. The man is named after his ability to create fire.

Heroes Season 3 Quotes

Why is there evil? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? How do we make love stay?


I can fix it. All of it.
