Claire and Daphne

Daphne swoops - or sprints - in and lends Claire a hand, post-plane crash. They run for safety.

Dead Daphne?!?

Parkman reacts to the sight of his love, Daphne, in serious trouble. This is a scene from the episode "Trust and Love."


To the chagrin of many fans, Mohinder didn't die during the plane crash that opened volume four. Here he is, alongside Parkman and Daphne.

GPS, Injected

Hiro injects his buddy with a GPS tracking device. Ando was none too pleased about it at the time.

The Next Isaac

Parkman can't shake the visions of this African dude. He tells Matt that he has a destiny to become a prophet.

Claire Caught!

Claire went to warn Parkman about Nathan's plan. She ended up getting apprehended along with him.

Clashing Couple

Daphne and Parkman are together to begin volume four. But they have different ideas on how to live with abilities.

New, Powerful Duo

Yes, that's Ando under the motorcycle helmet. He's joined, of course, by loyal sidekick and close friend, Hiro.

Super Ando?

Now one of the Heroes, Ando has to dress the part. Can't say we recommend this outfit, however.

Claire and Parkman

In this scene from Heroes, Claire comes to Parkman's rescue. The shot is taken from the episode "A Clear and Present Danger."

The New Ando Masahashi

Ando Masahashi now has special powers. Looks like riding a motorcycle is among them.

Hiro Captured!

Uh-oh. Hiro is captured in the opening episode of volume four. He may not be the first person with abilities to be apprehended.

Heroes Season 3 Quotes

Why is there evil? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? How do we make love stay?


I can fix it. All of it.
