Barney and Lily Kiss!

OMG. Barney and Lily kiss in the upcoming episode of How I Met Your Mother. Okay, granted it's just a dream sequence, but intense none the less!
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Marshall and Lily Kiss

After realizing they're the better couple than Barney and Robin, the stop their fighting and just kiss.
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Fat Barney

Man, Barney has really let himself go. The guy needs a major diet, stat!
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Overstuffed Stinson

Good luck getting this guy to slim down, Robin. He has no reason not, now that he has the girl.
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The Kraken Plan

The Kraken launches her plan into effect and all it takes is Crazy Meg, Alan Thicke, and a storm trooper... okay just some dude in a robot costume.
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Fat Barney and Ugly Robin

The fat man and the old lady check themselves in the window one last time before they leave the diner... broken up.
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Barney in Scuba Gear

Barney is back to his old womanizing ways and uses his playbook to remember his old tricks... like dressing up in scuba gear.
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Barney, Ted and Robin

Barney gets upset when the slap bet returns and Marshall's remaining two slaps are award to Ted and Robin.
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Chris Elliott on HIMYM

Chris Elliott guest stars on How I Met Your Mother as Lily's estranged father, Mickey, and comes by for Thanksgiving.
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Marshall and Lily's Dad

Marshall and his estranged father-in-law, Mickey (Chris Elliott) are just trying to have a nice Thanksgiving together.
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Chris Elliott on How I Met Your Mother

A picture of Chris Elliott in his upcoming role as Lily's estranged father, Mickey. Here he is macking it with a woman as Marshall walks in on him.
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How I Met Your Mother Picture

How I Met Your Mother is the story of how Ted Mosby met his wife as told to his children. Yes, it's a very long story that will take many seasons to tell.
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