Mitchell and Claire Bond

A little bit of brother and sister bonding as Mitchell and Claire discuss their old team figuring skating days.

The Family Watches

The whole family comes out after Manny wins the fencing tournament to watch Claire and Mitchell perform their old figuring skating routine in the parking lot.

Mitchell and Claire Skate

Mitchell and Claire show off their old team figuring skating skills by doing their routine in the parking lot outside Manny's fencing tournament.

Cam, Mitchell and Sal

Cameron and Mitchell are visited by an old friend during this scene. She's played by Elizabeth Banks.

Elizabeth Banks on Modern Family

We love Elizabeth Banks and we love Modern Family. Therefore, we love this guest-starring decision!

Mitchell and Cameron Hold Lily

Mitchell and Cameron hold Lily as they take her to the doctor's office, extremely nervous after bumping her head.

Gloria and Jay Discuss Manny

When Manny wants to wear a poncho to school, Gloria supports him, but when he wants to break out the flute, Gloria finally takes Jay's side.

The Doctor Checks Lily

The doctor checks Lily's head for a very nervous Mitchell and Cameron after Mitchell bumped her head while dancing with her.

Whoops! Jay Breaks the Flute

Whoops! Jay "accidentally" drops Manny's flute on the floor... and then precedes to accidentally stomp on it until he breaks it.

Cameron Center, Jay Quarterback

In a hilarious scene after the credits, Cameron plays center and hikes the football back to Jay, who used to play quarterback.

Phil Mediates

Phil mediates between Claire and Gloria when the two are fighting. Phil thinks he's Dr. Phil with hair. We don't, but we love this moron.

Jay, Cameron and Mitchell

When Jay is feeling a little insecure about his looks, he looks to Cameron and Mitchell for some compliments. Awkward for poor Mitchell.

Modern Family Quotes

You could pretend to get sick at the table. You know cough, stomachache, dealer's choice, I don't care just sell it.


Thank you Uncle Manny!
