Transgendered Inmate Sophia Burset

Transgendered inmate visits the hospital doctor as viewers learn more about her in Lesbian Request Denied.
Rating: Unrated

Confronting Piper

Some inmates confront Piper when they are outside of the prison. They look intimidating.
Rating: Unrated

Campaigning with the Lord

Inmates put up campaign signs to help sway the election for a new prisoners' representative.
Rating: Unrated

Piper confronts Healy

Piper talks to Healy. He wants her to complete dangerous tasks before he will consider opening the outdoor track.
Rating: Unrated

Pennsatucky and Pornstache

Pennsatucky and Pornstache chat while standing in the hallway of the prison in the episode F**ksgiving.
Rating: Unrated

Pennsatucky with Healing Hands

Pennsatucky has healing hands that Jesus supposedly gave her in the episode Bora Bora Bora
Rating: Unrated


Pennsatucky looking very ethereal in the laundry room on Orange is the New Black
Rating: Unrated

Orange is the New Black Season 2 Poster

Orange is the New Black Season 2 will be released on June 6. Plan all vacations accordingly!
Rating: Unrated

Uzo Aduba as "Crazy Eyes" on Orange is the New Black

Suzanne "Crazy Eyes" Warren surprised us by not being the one dimensional crackpot we expected, but showing deep and true emotions to her Dandelion. She's a scene stealer and a heart breaker.
Rating: Unrated