Comforting Louise - Revenge Season 4 Episode 14

Nolan comforts Louise after a difficult conversation with her mother on Revenge Season 4 Episode 14.
Rating: Unrated

Mother and Daughter - Revenge Season 4 Episode 14

Louise and Penelope look on during the reception thrown for the new Mr. and Mrs. Ross.
Rating: Unrated

Family Meeting - Revenge Season 4 Episode 14

And Emily Thorne thought SHE drew the short straw when it came to her mother-in-law! Yikes! Nolan definitely scored a winner in Penelope Ellis.
Rating: Unrated

Emily Close Up - Revenge

We're up close and personal with Emily in this scene from Revenge. It is courtesy of the episode "Bait."
Rating: Unrated

Gina Torres on Revenge

Hello there, Gina Torres. The Suits star plays a recurring role on Revenge Season 4.
Rating: Unrated

Emily Drops By - Revenge Season 4 Episode 15

At the end of "Kindred," Emily dropped by Ben's house. Revenge Season 4 Episode 15 will pick up right where the midseason finale left out.
Rating: Unrated

Ben Greets Emily - Revenge Season 4 Episode 15

While "Kindred" showed the beginning of Emily's relationship with Ben, Revenge Season 4 Episode 15, "Bait," will explore the aftermath of their night together.
Rating: Unrated

Sad Jack Porter - Revenge Season 4 Episode 15

After getting a text from his former partner, Jack made the trek to Ben's house only to find Emily there once he arrived. Sad Jack is sad.
Rating: Unrated

Brokenhearted - Revenge Season 4 Episode 15

Jack Porter's heart was broken when he saw Emily at Ben's house. The second half of Revenge Season 4 will feature Jack professing his love for Emily Thorne.
Rating: Unrated

On the Run - Revenge Season 4 Episode 15

Ben just happens to run into Emily on Revenge Season 4 Episode 15. No, really. He "ran" into her.
Rating: Unrated

Flawless Emily - Revenge Season 4 Episode 15

How does Emily look so flawless even when she's supposed to be getting hot and sweaty during a workout? Is she a robot?
Rating: Unrated

Amazing Emily - Revenge Season 4 Episode 15

Emily looks amazing in her workout apparel, which is exactly how she looks in everything else she wears.
Rating: Unrated

Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
