Real Tears

Are those real tears? With Victoria it can be hard to tell. "Struggle" is scheduled to air Sunday, March 16th on ABC.

Patrick Has a Lot on His Mind

Between complications with Nolan and helping his mother, Patrick appears to have a lot on his mind.

Nolan Looks Concerned

Nolan looks so very concerned but he can't seem to stay away from Victoria's first son. "Struggle" is the 15th episode of the show's third season.

Patrick's Visitor

Nolan stops in for a visit. Do you think he knew that Patrick was working out?

Shirtless Patrick

I don't think anyone's going to complain about a scene with Patrick having his shirt off on Revenge.

What's Caught His Attention?

What's caught Patrick's attention that he's had to end his workout early? These days it's probably either his mother or Nolan.

Dealing With the Past

Victoria must decide how she will handle a problem from her past on Revenge. "Struggle" is the 15th episode of the show's third season.

Mother and Son Team

Patrick and Victoria can be a formidable team when they choose to get their "Payback." Revenge returns Sunday, March 9th on ABC.

Knowing the Truth

Now that Patrick knows the truth about his father, we wonder if he and Victoria will exact their Revenge.

Jimmy Should Be Careful

Jimmy should probably be careful. Anything can happen when you're dealing with fire, or an angry Victoria Grayson.

Patrick's History

Given the way that Patrick has handled his problems in the past, Jimmy should be worried about the son he never knew he had on Revenge.

Little Doubt

We have little doubt that once Victoria and Patrick set their minds to it, they'll get their "Payback" against Jimmy.

Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
