A Toast to Emily

With Conrad looking on in the background, Victoria toasts Emily in this scene from Revenge. But does she really mean it?

Charlotte at the Engagement Party

Charlotte stares down Emily in this scene from "Chaos." She's looking at her half sister, of course, as we know.

Women in Red

Emily and Victoria are seen here at the former's engagement party. We all know what's about to happen, don't we?

Willian Devane on Revenge

Victoria believes she has a secret weapon in her divorce fight against Conrad: his father, played by William Devane.

Christa B. Allen Promo Pic

Christa Allen stars on Revenge. She plays the key role of Charlotte Grayson.

Girls Making Out!

Girl on girl action alert! We see the wild side of "Amanda" on the episode "Infamy."

Will You Marry Him?

Everything is more romantic in the rain, isn't it? Daniel gets down on one knee here for Emily.

A Birthday Dinner Gone Wrong

The guests at Daniel's birthday celebration have a reason to fear for their lives. This photo is courtesy of the episode "Duress."

Victoria and Fake Amanda

The real Emily Thorne hanging out with Victoria? This cant be a good thing for the fake Emily Thorne.

Friend vs. Friend

Tyler is on the verge of losing it, if he hasn't lost it already. Consider yourself warned, Daniel.

Declan and Conrad

Poor Declan. He's in love with a young woman whose father is Conrad Grayson. Enough said.

Revenge or True Love?

Happy birthday to you, Daniel Grayson. He cozies up to Emily here on his big day.

Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
