Are We Sluts Picture

Miranda learns that she has chlamydia and needs to contact all her previous partners in "Are We Sluts?"

Carrie and Miranda Pic

Carrie enjoys a cupcake, but not a cigarette, when she sits down with Miranda.

Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl Pic

Carrie ends up dating an openly bisexual man on the Sex and the City episode appropriately named "Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl..."

Attack of the Five-Foot-Ten Picture

A picture of Carrie from the Sex and the City season three episode, "Attack of the Five-Foot-Ten Woman."

Politcally Erect Pic

Turns out Carrie's politician beau is a bit of a perv in "Politically Erect."

Where There's Smoke Pic

Carrie meets a politician at a NYFD calendar charity event but is reluctant to date him.

Sex and the City Season 3 Quotes

Steve: Carrie thought you might need a little help. Is that okay?
Miranda: I'm on Valium. Everything's okay.

(drunk) I'm nice. I'm pretty and smart! I'm a catch!
