Detective Adams

Detective Adams was the main focus of the episode "Sally in the Ally." She's our favorite character on the show so far.

Southland Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

I took my boys out to lunch the other day, right, and, uh... Petey starts horsing around, juggling meatballs up in the air. My little guy hates to be upstaged by his brother so he takes his peas and starts shoving them up his nose. (laughs) So now it's official. The Moretta boys are banned from Denny's for life.

Det. Nate Moretta

Det. Sammy Bryant: Everything all right?
Det. Nate Moretta: Yeah, man, yeah. It's just my sister. She keeps driving my parents crazy. They never know where she's going or who she's going with.
Det. Sammy Bryant: It's what teenagers do, remember?