Red in a Hat

Red show up in a hat as usual maintain an air of mystery.
Rating: Unrated

Red and Dembe Meet

Red with hat in his hand meets with Dembe on the theater balcony.
Rating: Unrated

Red and Liz Work Together Again

Liz works with Red again when he bring her a new name from the blacklist, Madeline Pratt.
Rating: Unrated

Red Points Gun at Liz

Red points a gun at Liz while surrounded by the FBI on "Berlin."
Rating: Unrated

Red Has a Gun

Red isn't taking and chances. He has a gun during his meeting with Liz.
Rating: Unrated

Red's Outside

Red's outside in the cold. Who is he watching and why?
Rating: Unrated

FBI Agent Harold Cooper

Agent Harold Cooper takes on a case during "Berlin."
Rating: Unrated

Dembe Protects Red

Dembe starts guard near Red during a meet on "Berlin."
Rating: Unrated

Ruth Walks with Frank

Dianne Wiest as Ruth Kipling and Tom Kopache as Frank Gordon.
Rating: Unrated

Donald Ressler Points his Gun

A beat-up and angry looking Ressler points his gun at someone.
Rating: Unrated

Red Gives Liz Clue

Red sees Liz again to give her information she needs on "Berlin."
Rating: Unrated

Tom showing off a photo of his daughter - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 2

Tom is a proud papa showing off photos of Agnes. Or is he trying to refresh the guy’s memory on if he’s seen Agnes or not?
Rating: Unrated

The Blacklist Quotes

You have no idea who you're dealing with, Agent Ressler. You need to stand down.

Secret Service Agent

Did you hear me? I said I need his new name. Give it to me or I'll have the Miami Field Office tear your practice apart faster than you can say tummy tuck.
