Worrying About Aaron - The Fosters Season 5 Episode 14

Callie worries about Aaron after he's taken into custody for obstructing justice. They may have prevented a few kids from being detained by ICE, but it didn't come without a cost.

Draw Me Like One of Your French Guys - The Fosters Season 5 Episode 14

Callie draws a portrait of Aaron, but they have a discussion on whether or not to include his scars from his mastectomy.

A Surprising Tip - The Fosters

Callie gets a surprising tip from an unexpected source on The Fosters. "Scars" is the 14th episode of the show's fifth season.

The Fosters Season 5 Episode 14 Quotes

I want to apologize. We were told Ximena made threatening remarks at that rally. Radical stuff, you know? Calling for violence and that sort of thing. It wasn't until your video that I saw we had been lied to. Ximena never should have been targeted.

ICE Agent

Lena: What about therapy? Did you reschedule your appointment?
Stef: What's the point if it's physiological?