Destroying Palmer - The Strain Season 2 Episode 6

Fet, Fitzwilliam and Setrakian make plans to bring down Eldritch Palmer. Will Fitzwilliam come face to face with his former boss? Can the Master's plan move forward without his human accomplice? Tune in Sunday to find out.

Is Zack Within Reach? - The Strain Season 2 Episode 6

Something (or someone) clearly set mama strigoi off when she opened that door. Is Zack within her grasp? Will mother and son be reunited, and if so will she infect him?

Kelly Makes Her Move - The Strain Season 2 Episode 6

Kelly's looking a little worse for wear in this shot. Is Zack on the other side of that door? Will the boy recognize his mother and if so, will he finally understand she's beyond healing?

Mama Strigoi ls Determined - The Strain Season 2 Episode 6

Here we see Kelly and the Feelers entering what appears to be a church. Mama strigoi looks determined too. Is Zack in the building or was he there at some point during the day?

Setting A Trap? - The Strain Season 2 Episode 6

Okay, clearly Nora and the boy <i><b>were</b></i> in that same room. Does this scene take place earlier in the day? Are they setting a trap for Kelly using Zack as bait?

Kelly's Inching Closer - The Strain Season 2 Episode 6

Kelly and the Feelers have been inching ever closer to their prize. Have the tiny monsters latched onto Zack's scent in that nursery? Was he actually there, or is the team attempting to mislead the hunters?

Kelly Comes For Zack - The Strain

Kelly's "Feelers" catch Zack's scent at a nearby day care center. Will she finally be reunited with her son?

The Strain Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Gus: You could quit with the silent treatment bro. I know it's you. Admit it. A'ight, okay, fine. It's just some crazy coincidence. I mean, your name is Angel and you limp on the same knee that he got hurt on.
Angel: Coincidences happen.
Gus: I agree, but you gotta love those Silver Angel movies, right?
Angel: Garbage. Worthless garbage.
Gus: Hey don't insult the man, he's not here to defend himself.

Robert: Holy shit, what is that?
Eph: See those cysts? I did that. I found a way to kill these things. It's a bio-weapon. It's crude, it needs to be refined but it works.
Robert: What do you need?
Eph: I need to scale it up and I need your access. We need to play politics here. Run it through the labyrinth, except we don't have months we have hours.