Original Batter Up

Kol takes his hacks in a batting cage in this photo from The Vampire Diaries. You might wanna get out of the way, Elena.

Delena Alert!

Damon and Elena travel to Denver on the episode "Heart of Darkness." And, as you can see here, end up sharing a bed!

Close Up of Stefan

Hi there, Stefan! This is a close up of the character from The Vampire Diaries installment "Heart of Darkness."

Forwood Kiss!!!

This photo says it all. Tyler is back on The Vampire Diaries, and his lips are exactly where they should be!

Reaction from Damon

Damon reacts to Elena in this Vampire Diaries scene. It's taken from the TVD episode "Heart of Darkness."

Elena in Bed

Elena is seen here in bed. Which isn't exciting by itself... until you realize just who she's in bed with!

Return of Rose

Whoa, what is Rose doing here?!? This is a close-up shot of that character from the episode "Heart of Darkness."

Elena in Denver

Elena looks a bit worried in this scene, doesn't she? It's courtesy of "Heart of Darkness" and she's in Denver visiting Jeremy.

Return of Jeremy

Hey, it's Jeremy! Welcome back to the world of The Vampire Diaries, big guy!

In Denver

Damon and Elena are seen here in Denver. They're checking in on Jeremy, who might be hanging with the wrong crowd.

Tortured Damon

This photo would be a lot sexier if Rebekah wasn't torturing Damon. Still, it's pretty cool, isn't it?

Patient Caroline

Caroline is just sitting and waiting patiently in this photo. It's courtesy of the episode "The Murder of One."

The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Quotes

It's your party. You can cry if you want to.


Hello, brother.
