Betty is Not Happy

Betty is not happy to find out that her slutty neighbor Gina has already sold the book she stole. Things are not looking good for Betty and Daniel.

Betty, Daniel and Walter

Walter looks like his goofy self when he's at Gina's to install her new flatscreen. Daniel and Betty arrive looking for the book that's already been sold.

Daniel and Gina

Gina is very excited to see Daniel show up in her apartment. She kinda wishes she held out for this new, cute buyer.

Betty Watches Hilda & Gina

Betty watches as Hilda and Gina fight in front of her. Why you just standing there Betty? Go find that book!

Hilda and Gina Catfight!

Hilda breaks into Gina's with Betty and defends her little sister by attacking Gina. Go Hilda!!

Gina the Slut

Gina the slut seems surprised when Betty and Hilda pay her a little visit after she broke into their house and stole the book.

Betty and Christina Talk

Betty talks to her new friends Christina in the closet while she comes to pick up clothes for Daniel. Unfortunately, Christina tells Betty why she was hired in this scene.

Betty Learns the Truth

Poor Betty goes to pick up some clothes from Christina in the closet but finds out the truth as to why she got the job... so that Daniel wouldn't be tempted to sleep with his assistant.

Marc and Amanda First Tormenting

The deliciously evil duo known as Marc and Amanda torment Betty together for the first time on the pilot. We heart these two!

Bizarro Sex and the City Crew

As Marc and Amanda call them it's the bizzaro version of Sex and the City. Betty joins Christina and the other outcasts of Mode for lunch.

Marc Injects Wilhelmina's Botox

Marc is Wilhelmina's assistant so naturally one of his job duties includes injecting daily botox into Wilhelmina's face.

Meet Amanda Tanen

We first meet Amanda Tanen, the pretty secretary that tried to sleep her way into Betty's position. Too bad it takes more than that Amanda.

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.