Warehouse Football

Pete plays some crazy games of football around Warehouse 13. With himself, really.

At the Controls

Artie runs Warehouse 13. But he definitely benefits from the help of Claudia.

Artie Nielsen Picture

On this new SyFy hit, Artie Nielsen is in charge of Warehouse 13. Or is he?!?

Myka and Pete Picture

The sexual tension continues to rise between Myka and Pete. Will they ever hook up?

Artie and Leena

What, exactly, is up with Artie's friend Leena on Warehouse 13? Fans of that series have been wondering throughout season one.

Coming to Help

Pete and Myka to the rescue? They must help a kidnapped Artie in the episode "Claudia."

Artie Photo

What is Artie up to inside Warehouse 13? More often than not, it's best not to ask.

On a Case

On the second episode of Warehouse 13, Pete and Myka square off against a team of bank robbers. The installment is titled "Resonance."

Artie Pic

Artie is a busy man in Warehouse 13. He's got a whole lot on his hands.

Pete and Myka

On the second episode of Warehouse 13, Pete and Myka are still trying to learn the other one's tendencies. This is a photo from "Resonance."

A Breach?

On the second episode of Warehouse 13, Artie and Leena look into a possible break of the warehouse. That would spell trouble.

Mrs. Frederic Photo

Not much is known about Mrs. Frederic. But in the series premiere of Warehouse 13, she recruits Pete and Myka for their new mission.