A picture of Tyler, the man who becomes a "Reaper" after he dies with meteor in his wrist.

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Smallville Season 1 Episode 17: "Reaper"
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Smallville Season 1 Episode 17 Quotes

Martha: I'm not going to play referee, you two need to work this out.
Clark: We will. First we'll have a week of uncomfortable silence and then we'll start talking about something trivial. And then we'll move on.

Lex: Do you know what my father gave me for my tenth birthday? A copy of The Will to Power. "Behold the Superman - man is something to be overcome." Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Nietzsche, they were the voices that nurtured me after my mother died. My father made every question a quiz, every choice a test. Second best was for losers, compassion for the weak, trust no one. Those were the lessons I grew up with.
Dominic: I'll remember that if I'm ever interviewed by the Biography Channel.
Lex: All I'm saying, Dominic, is try to remember who I was raised by. I try to deny it, but I'm still my father's son. Tread carefully.