I have a confession. I didn't really learn that at mock trial, I learned it from The Good Wife. Sue me.


As the captain of the Jr. High mock trial, can I give you a tip?


Carter: You are not my mother. Elizabeth Wilson is my mother.
Lori: That's for the jury to decide.

Peter: Is it so hard for you to believe that there is something more?
Carolyn: Yes! And you want to know why? Because I really want to, I really wish I could be like other people who take things on faith, but I can't. I need to know!
Peter: You can. You're just not trying hard enough.

Carolyn: Excuse me?
Ivan: Kicking the bucket, taking the big dirt nap. You're a doctor. I'm sure you're familiar with the concept.

Ivan: Mind if we skip the usual chit chat, like the amazing amazing architecture, what a great pleasure to meet me, all that?
Carolyn: I have rounds to make.
Ivan: Right. Good. I'm dying.

Wow, you know what? Will's lucky. You have no idea what it feels like to be the kid who didn't die.


Cat: So, what do you think?
Zed: I think that people believe what they want to believe, and that is enough for most people.

Ivan: See, I've always hated unknowns, and now that I'm facing the biggest one there is, I want to know what to expect. I want to know what's going to happen to me after I die.
Carolyn: Right. You and everybody else who ever lived.
Ivan: But the difference is, I have the resources to try to find out, and I'd like you to do that for me.
Carolyn: You lost me.
Ivan: I'd like you to find real proof of what happens after we die.

Carolyn: So, no new pictures from the other side?
Lily: They told me not to tell you about it anymore.
Carolyn: They? They who?

Veronica: Is it true?
Spencer: It's made up of facts, doesn't mean it's true.

I wanted to talk to you about him. About your family, our family.
