Shirley: If I had known she was fired, I would have stayed on a beach in Costa Rica. Dr. Grey is the whole reason I'm here. 
Qadri: You and me both.

Walternate: If you had asked me a week ago, I would have told you I would do anything to save our world, when in fact, there are lines I simply cannot cross. Does that make me weak?
Reiko: No. It's what makes you the most brilliant man I've ever known. The fact you beat yourself up over these decisions; that's what makes me sure of your strength!

Homer: Just sit still in my lap.
Bart: What lap?
Lisa: All I see is a gut with knees.
Homer: Why, you little!

I was helping you become a monster.


Teddy: Dr. Yang, I don't know?
Cristina: I'm here, I'm trying, but ...
Teddy: I'm not asking you to be in the OR. I'm asking you to say something, to participate. We're at a crossroads Yang, a crossroads where you either get in the game or I tell Richard it's time to send you home.

You need to change your name to Hey, Bitch.


Sideshow Bob: Let's not tarry. As Shakespeare said, "If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere best it were done quickly." Power on!(turns on the laptop and laughs maniacally) This time I've made no mistakes.
Lisa: Actually, you made one. What Shakespeare really said was, "'Twere well it were done quickly."
Sideshow Bob: Yes, I'm sure you've studied the immortal bard extensively under your "Miss Hoover." (leaves and shuts the door)
Lisa: Macbeth, act one, scene seven. Look it up.
Sideshow Bob: (re-enters) I shall! (takes the laptop) Come on, Wikipedia. Load, you unwieldy behemoth! laptop explodes Oh, dear. Sideshow Bob, "Hoist on his own petard."
Lisa: It's "hoist with his own petard."
Sideshow Bob: Oh, get a life.

Oh, no. This is important. I have to secure this area.

Scylla [to Raelle]

Patrice: Louis, what's the matter?
Louis: What makes you think anything's the matter?
Patrice: You haven't turned on the television and you're not complaining about putting stamps on envelopes for Sharon and Andy's wedding. What's up?
Louis: I think I need to quit my job.
Patrice: Yeah right.
Louis: No, really. Maybe next week.
Patrice: Is it this case?
Louis: No. It's this kid.

Leave him alone, he deserves a happy ending.


Hey, I don't need you to get me in the back of a police car.


Stella: Look, I know that communication is not your first language, but what's going on with you lately? You've been dodging me, and just acting off ever since Otis got hurt. Can you just, for once, just tell me what you're feeling?
Kelly: [slowly walks up to Stella, looks at her intensely, and kisses her]

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