You guys know you can call me anytime, right?


Just couldn’t sleep thinking about Aelirenn. And my grandmother. They lived centuries apart, but burned with the exact same mission. Wipe the other species off the Continent. When I finally fell asleep, it came to me. What if I can offer something different. A way forward that doesn’t divide, but unites. I’m part elf, I’m part human. I understand both because I am both, and that is my strength.


I don’t want HankMed to go out of business just because I failed.


Burk: You know Michael I almost didn't come tonight. Pablo made a pretty good case finding an operative like you cooling his heels in the DR sounded almost too good to be true.
Michael: Glad to know I have a fan.

Ethan: I had gallbladder surgery.
Charles: How long ago?
Ethan: This morning.
Charles: Why aren't you still in recovery?
Ethan: I checked myself out. I thought I could handle it.

Olivia: I'm proud of you.
Fitz: Liv...I'm grateful. Thank you.
Olivia: Goodbye, Fitz.

Danny: His mouth has not moved in 3 1/2 minutes.
Chin: Maybe she's got him on hold.
Danny: No. No. His nostrils are flaring, he's pacing like a maniac and he just switched his phone from his right hand to his left hand like he wants to punch someone.

Loretta: Safe for tonight.
Pride: Tonight. Tomorrow's another story.

Alec: What if I moved in?
[Awkward silence]
Alec: Bad idea?
Magnus: No, it’s a wonderful idea...for the future.
Alec: Okay, umm, I just thought.
Magnus: We’ve been seeing each other for less than two months. Alexander, once we move in together, our relationship will change.
Alec: Yeah, we’ll be closer.
Magnus: There’s no such thing.

You should see the other guy...I can't.


Louis: Stop reading those books. Those stories give you nightmares.
Jessica: You know what gives me nightmares. Our bank account. Stephen King should publish my checkbook.

Fiona: Michael, you already destroyed CIA records; how far are you willing to go for this?
Michael: All the way.