I don't know how to help my mom.

Olivia [to Spencer]

When I was broken up, you were there for me, and I am there for you.


Ace: Shouldn’t you be resting?
Nancy: This is no time to rest. I’m still all in.
Ace: I was thinking maybe we slow down a sec, and we can talk this thing through.
Nancy: What is there to talk about?
Ace: I don’t know. If there is a death curse on us, maybe it would be better to not fight it and exist in a world together as friends.
Nancy: Did you not feel what I felt?
Ace: Of course I did. But then you weren’t breathing, and I was holding you in my arms and going through everything that you went through in Temperance’s hallucination, and it was awful.
Nancy: Yeah.
Ace: And I totally get why you were hesitant to tell me the truth.
Nancy: Right, but I’m not scared anymore. I let fear keep me away from you for too long.
Ace: Temperance was a hundred steps ahead of us. This time she got to the flowers. Next time it could be something else. No matter what we try, she could have sabotaged it.
Nancy: She said you were going to die, and you didn’t.
Ace: No, but watching you collapse almost killed me. Say we do try again, and maybe we think we broke the curse. How will we ever know that she didn’t plant another twist? We will always be looking over our shoulders. What kind of future is that?

No one is leaving here until I find out what happened.


Bartender: You look happy there.
Daniel: Happier times.
Bartender: Is that a friend of yours? 
Daniel: Best friend I ever had. 
Bartender: Are you visiting him while you're in town.
Daniel: I wish. I'm afraid he's no longer with us.
Bartender: Very American way of thinking. In Japan, you can always visit someone they speak to us even when they are gone.

Miriam: We don't betray our family.
Deeks: Then you probably shouldn't kill each other either.

Amara: Go have some fun. I'll catch you later.
Simone: Are you sure?
Keisha, Girl, don't ask twice.

I was raised by Valentine, and a pair of baby booties can't change that.


We have to think different because we are different. We are warriors.

Tom [to midshipmen]

I may be drunk on power but you, you're just drunk.

John Ross

Well, Daddy may think you're a wise woman, but I still think you're a whore.

Marsali [to Claire]

And please don't scream. It's tedious and no one can hear you.

Dr. Kelly Niemann