Because you know what happens when you do complain? You get defamed, fired, and blacklisted.


Kelsey: Hey, Charles, before you leave. I finally found a book that I'm excited about from you.
Charles: Really? Which one?
Kelsey: Liza slipped it to me. She found it in one of her old boxes from Pound Ridge?
Charles: Can I see that?
Kelsey: It reads like a more sophisticated Nicholas Sparks. Can you find a writer and make a deal with him to finish it?
Charles: It's really not something that I'm interested in pursuing.
Kelsey: As publisher, I am.
Charles: And as the author, I most certainly am not.

For God's sake, Victor, this is Thanksgiving! This is the day when we're supposed to appreciate family. Can't you at least pretend to have a heart?


Ryo: What are you willing to sacrifice for the safety and security of our people?
Hiro: My life.
Ryo: The throne will do.

Kirkman: You don't need to get up every time I walk into a room. I'm not the Queen.
Seth: No, sir. Virtually no resemblance.

I just got divorced, ex-wife got the house in the Palisades, no biggie, I got four other houses, I don't give a shit.

Bob Saget

You made me believe, and you got me to fly - even if it was in cyberspace.


After six open houses, I am convinced that 'fixer-pper' is code for decrpit.


Are you sure you're ready to move on?


The only way to get out of a terrible job is to suck at it.

The Necromancer

Shaun: During your career, you have removed more surgical sponges than anyone else.
Glassman: It's a unique skill on my resume, right under juggling.

No matter what happens today, that pain you're feeling. It doesn't ever go away.

Mark [to Jerrie]