The hardest stories to cover are the ones you care most about.


Ehmet: I don't know how to thank you. You saved my life.
Mara: We saved each other.

So I get you the whole female complement up on your stay list, all of a sudden the boys think twice about turning tail.


Money like that changes people.


Isobel: I didn’t come this far to be left with nothing.
Hank: I get it. You’ve poured too much into McMurray Ranch to have it taken away by some bank.

Samantha: Are the vegetables on the vegetable plate organic?
Carrie: They have beef pot pie on the menu, what do you think?

You know how to old saying goes. First comes love, then almost-marriage, then platonic friendship, and then he's your real estate agent.


Bird: So what, she was in cahoots with someone and they kidnapped you together?
Carter: Maybe, yeah.

Kermit: I have a spare room. I spend most of my time in here since the divorce, if you want it, it's yours.
Debbie: I'd rather lay under the tracks of the L.

Castle: Do I smell coffee?
Beckett: If you do, it was made by elves.

I'm not blindly following orders anymore.


Ronnie: [about Vinny] I'm hungry: his mom cooks him dinner. I'm dirty: his mom wipes his ass. Vinny needs to man up and move on.