Can we skip over all the histrionic action movie clichés? Because I'm way too jetlagged to deal with any of that right now.


The law is confusing. Nobody wants to be the first to lose their license.


Brian: What are you doing here [at rehab]?
Peter: I'm on vacation. Oh, and if anyone asks, I'm also on smack

Fitz: Well it's not good to keep things to yourself Mack. I know what you're going through.
Mack: Really? You know what it's like to lose control? To be trapped inside your own body unable to tell it what to do? To watch yourself hurt the people that you care about?
Fitz: Yeah.
Mack: I'm sorry buddy.
Fitz: It's okay.

(giving a lecture) My personal acting technique is working with color. Imagining, then finding the emotional vibrational mood connected to the color. See, if you look through my scripts, you see that all my lines have a special color. So, I don't memorize language, I memorize colors. This way I can go through red, yellow, green, blue, and you have a full palette of emotions.


I love a locked-room mystery.


If you do the right thing in the here and now, the future has a way of taking care of itself.

Dolly Parton

[To Wade] He says he's going to kill oyu in your sleep unless you break up with my mom.

Harley Jr

Personally, I don't care how many eyes a guy has. As long as it's less than five.


no more running, Queen.

Klaus [to Hayley]

Adena: We need to establish some rules.
Kat: Exactly. How about no mention of the past?
Adena: And no touching beyond the mutually consensual hug.
Kat: Also, neutral conversation over all.
Adena: Mhmm. I like that.

I killed both of my parents.
