You say I divided a city because I don't accept your explanation.


Lorelai: My father almost hit someone. My father has probably only hit another man in college, wearing boxing gloves and one of those Fred Mertz golden gloves pullover sweaters.
Christopher: Fred Mertz?
Lorelai: I Love Lucy - Fred Mertz.
Christopher: Landlord to Ricki, husband to Ethel, I know. It's just a weird reference.
Lorelai: (pointing at the pajamas, she's wearing) Hello, pajamas.

Gina: sometimes it feels like you're more interested in the strangers you meet than your own family.
Ronald: What are you talking about? 
Gina: When you turn your light on someone it is the best feeling in the world. It's like you're basking in the sun. But when that light goes away it feels really cold.

I had to get away from Starling City and all the secrets. And I found myself here.


Greg: What's going on?
Ray: You can be part of the problem or part of the solution.
Greg: Solution.

Ian: I can only speculate but maybe it was the demon!
Addison: Ian.
Ian: What? What? Something supernatural is not entirely impossible. Sam Beckett believed that God was guiding the quantum accelerator, so maybe a demon really is trying to interfere.

You went through something pretty terrifying. You saw people die. But I need your help, Everett. I need you to help me figure out who's responsible for the deaths of several people. That includes some of your friends who were on that school bus. You're gonna hear that the police suspect arson. But that's only part of the truth. Because it's not just a suspicion. I know for certain this fire was caused by arson. I can tell you I'm certain of one other thing. The arsonist is a teenager. Might even be someone you go to school with. In fact, it's quite possible this teenager was on that bus with you.


It's crazy, isn't it, how all of this hate can tear a country apart?


Xander: So you just went home?
Buffy: What was I supposed to do, say to Owen, “Sorry I was late. I was sitting in a cemetery with a librarian waiting for a vampire to rise so I could prevent an evil prophecy from coming to pass?”
Xander: Or...flat tire?!

You're in high school sweetie, you should be more worried about your weight than your grades!


Alberta: I have to ask, what is it like up there?!
Molly: All I’ll say is it’s remarkable. But beyond that, I can’t say anything specific, or I’ll melt. In fact, I’m not sure I was supposed to say that, but I didn’t melt. So, I guess it was okay.

Marlena: Will feels awkward about asking you because of Paul.
John: You know what? I was upset at first that you lied to Paul, but with time and distance I can see that you were trying to do the right thing, be there for him even though your heart belonged to Sonny. Paul's my son and I'd do anything for him, but you're family too and there's not anything I wouldn't do for you either.