I understand the alcohol has stirred up whatever it is that makes girls go wild ... but I really need to talk to smart Amy right now.


I will give you all the information you request, but in return, I will need a single meeting with Sir Stuart Strange of the East India Tea Company. Here, in a cell, and in private.


Fallon: Should I text him? Maybe I'll text him.
Sam: Fallon, we broke into his house twice. Okay? I'd let it breathe.
Fallon: For how long?

Jennifer: And what makes you so confident?
Kate: Why would you even question that?
Jennifer: Because I am an investigative reporter and I am good at my job, and you are on the ropes.

There are a lot of hot ladies in here tonight, but you are in the top one percent.


You’re not a fraud Mike, you just never went to law school.


What's your name darling?


Rose: Capt, these men you've been associating with, the Honor Dogs, what do you know about them?
Owen: See, I think the phrase "associating with" is misleading. I've ridden with these guys a couple of times. As far as I can tell, they're motorcycle enthusiasts who like to brand each other from time to time, so I don't know much.
Rose: The Honor Dogs are a group of fringe separatists whose stated goal is the return of the state of Texas to its founding fathers.
Owen: The Mexicans?
Rose: They skipped right to the Alamo part.
Owen: But they know how it ended right?

Don't worry. I'm good with monsters.

Knave of Hearts

It’s not always easy knowing what to believe in.


Judgment has passed. Gotham must fall.


Can we just concentrate on the fact that like I was tripping pretty hard on the Absinthe and I said no to a stripper.
