She trusted me to keep our chats mano-a-mano and you just made me break my promise. Now, go before I say something I truly regret.


Dwight: I'm gonna say 30.
Rolph: Ah, 40. Insect repellent, which we clearly need, reduces the effectiveness of SPF.
Dwight: Good point, but, thought of that already. Combination SPF/repellent.
Rolph: Woah. Homemade?
Dwight: Of course. You think the EPA would ever allow that much DEET? [both laugh]

Slam every door you want. You can't hide the truth.


Christina has to empty the closet, she has to make room for the spring collection. You really should take a trip down there Betty, they might have a pair of socks your size


This is not a meeting about the show, this is a meeting about a meeting!

Jason Alexander

You wish to serve no one but yourself. You are a cesspit of moral filth.


If we're lucky, [Eric's] suffocated from his own vomit already.

Fake agent

The thinner the file, the better the agent.

Agent Miller

I need you to figure out why no one remembers me. Why you don't remember me.


Beau: Emily is out there, okay?
Jenny: I know.
Beau: And I need to find her.
Jenny: We will. I promise we will. But we just gotta do it the right way.

What is this, tea and sympathy? Softening up the victim...or the suspect?


Max: This keeps happening, Murphy. Told you you should get a new one.
Murphy: Yeah. I probably should. I'm just not really great with change. I like what I like.