I'm the knight in shining armor and you've reduced me to a guy in a suit showing spreadsheets.


Rita: You're in trouble, Dwayne.
Pride: I got that when the brick came flying at me.

We might look like the white picket fence types but we're not. There's nothing ho hum about us.


Fry: Look, Leela, even if you heard one talk, that doesn't mean it's intelligent. I mean, parrots talk, and we eat them, right?
Bender: Yeah, maybe it just learned to talk as a parlor trick, like Fry.
Fry: Like Fry! Like Fry!

Stan: Wait, you're gonna sell out your own wife?
Dean: I mean, it's not like she ever had my back.

We must rescue our stolen children.


(to Amanda) If I knew he was a ga-virgin, I never would have taken his delicate flower!


Gossip Girl: Looks like our favourite Upper-East sinners just find the answer to their prayers.
Chuck & Blair: I need your help.
Gossip Girl: Lucky for us their road to heaven leads straight through hell.

Gob: Don't you worry. It'll take a lot more than a heart attack to kill that old bear. (starts sobbing) Old bear! He likes the honey! He never got a chance to see my bee business take off.
Michael: C'mon now. Dad's gonna be around another thirty years, Gob. Your business, uh, might not.
Gob: You're a good brother, Michael. Heart attack never stopped old big bear!

Relaxing makes me tense.


I know I haven't been the best father in the world. I might not have even been in the top five. I wanna make up for that. I'll distract them, you run out the back.

Donkey Doug

What if A didn't lead to B, instead B lead to A
