Agent Prentiss: We also believe that something in the last few days has triggered her to believe that killing is the only way she was going to be able to obtain a child. Consequently the foster families that did not have a child in their care when she visited were victims.
Agent Rossi: Because all of these families recently had children, we believe our UnSub is motivated by maternal desire.

Wow. She's like the superhero. Nothing can really hurt her.


"There is nothing fascinating on you palm, under your shoe, under your desk, on the floor."

Information on the blackboard at Lanes and Jess's school test

Ryan, remember when I told you a few weeks ago that you are a total pussy? Well I just wanted to apologize for not emphasizing that enough.


You are gonna spend the night in a cell, and I am gonna spend the night on a plane back to Chicago. And I am gonna talk to Leanne in person, and then I am gonna search your house, and I am gonna search your car, and I am gonna search your locker and I am gonna talk to your friends. I am gonna talk to your neighbors. I am gonna talk to your pastor. I am gonna talk to everybody you know down to the guy that shines your shoes. And anything you think I can do to help you Clay, any favor I can call in, any length that I can go to, any power or influence I might have I am gonna use all of that to lock your ass up. Smoke on that.


Sam, something is going on, but I don't know what's going on.


Tell me are you or are you not the woman who apologizes when she hasn’t done anything wrong; who smiles when what she’s really feeling is angry; who takes back her man, folds his socks, after he’s slept with half of Nashville. Go ahead, walk away. Just know what life you’re choosing when you do it.


Officer Sweetie Pie, are you ready to get back to work?


Marshall and I have been together for fifteen years and the only debate about Tommy Boy we've ever had, is whether it's awesome or super awesome. That's love bitch!


Brennan: What are you writing now?
Filmore: Just an observation that Americans are hubristic and Canadians must deal with this challenge in future cooperative ventures.

John: That man needs medical attention.
Gretchen: You're medical. Give him some attention.

Alex: How's it going in here. Cops need a deadline.
Richard: Ten to twenty years is my guess.