Whatever, it's so not me.


Cassie: You're sick.
Penelope: Tell somebody who cares.

Hop a chillaxative Jenna.


Crazy girls are kind of my 'Hurt Locker.'


A lot of people are angry. I'm angry.

Mayor Taylor [to Loretta]

J.D.: Wait, so, if we're both gonna be chief residents, why didn't you just say that from the beginning?
Dr. Cox: What, and miss your hall of fame hissy? Not on your life.

Nick: I live for your tuna melts.
George: Pretty sad.

It could have been much worse had Elizabeth not evacuated the building.

President Dalton

Lightman: That's not bad for seven bucks.
Wollowski: You know about wine?
Lightman: It's made from grapes.

Hacking into the FBI should get harder as I get older, but nope.


Gina: He trusts me. Kind of treats me like a pet. I was doing time for solicitation and the judge got me out on early parole, so he lets me know every chance he gets that he can send me back whenever he wants.
Pote: You’re a pet in a cage.
Gina: I hate him.

You broke my heart, Jackie.
