Sylvie: I'm not really a kissing on the first date kind of girl.
Pete: Okay, I respect that.
Sylvie: Uh, but the thing at the ambulance, when you smiled at me, that was, that was kind of a first date.
Pete: Oh, so this would be like our second date. I respect that even more.

Lucia: Don't you want to go home again?
Tom: I don't have a home.

Four over the hill and six boobs.


Bill: What is this?
Henry: What does it look like?
Bill: It looks like you knew the mine was unsafe six years ago before it collapsed and killed 47 people.
Henry: I had my concerns. I mentioned it to the company, and this was their response.
Bill: Well, either they were lying or they were wrong.
Henry: I know that now.
Bill: But did you know then?
Henry: No! Maybe I should have insisted upon an inspector. Maybe I should have gone to the newspaper, and maybe I should have shut down the mine!
Bill: Well, that's a lot of maybes!
Henry: It is a lot of maybes, and I have to live with each one of them every single day, Bill. I didn't do enough! The company told me to shut up, and I did.
Bill: Henry!
Henry: You know what, you go ahead and tell everybody in this town how I screwed up. I chose the company over my friends and neighbors in this town. Lord knows, I have it comin'.

Fischer: I was so certain I had him figured out.
Lisbon: Welcome to my life.

Dickie: What are you boys up to now? Hmmm? You got yourselves some business up here?
Boyd: Oh same as you, I'd wager. Except of course, mine's legitimate.

Kennedy was right. I was never going to get into MMI, he was just using me.


We're so focused on being plugged in to the Twitterverse and the blogosphere that we don't appreciate what's actually right in front of us and I think that that's just sad and lame.


The only thing that's inevitable is Praimfiya.


What you doing here, Henry? You here to warn me about the flood?


Bull: We're here to cross examine witnesses. Think of it as a sexier People's Court.
Marisa: With $20,000 dresses.

Amanda: What happened?
Daniel: Terry Silver happened. He's this certified wack job from my past who come back to Cobra Kai.
Amanda: Another one? Seriously, Daniel? Are there any other Cobra Kais from your past who are going to come out of the woodwork and destroy our lives?
Daniel: No. Well, I can't say that for sure.
Amanda: Oh my god.