You're just gonna say no to me? You know how I am.


Great job, human internet. I will be back soon.


Chase: You've been found guilty of the crimes of human smuggling and the unauthorized creation of new zombies. The sentence for these crimes are death to be carried out by public execution at 12 o'clock this afternoon.
Mama Leone/Renegade: I'm not ready to die.
Chase: It'll be painless.

Shia: Quinn, can I talk to you?
Quinn: Not now.
Rachel: I wouldn't wait.
Quinn: Come on.

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Phil: Well, there's book smart and then there's street smart.
Claire: Yeah, and then there's Luke.
Phil: Oh, he's just, he's just curious, that's all. He's got this, almost, scientific mind with a thirst for knowledge. He's like this little Einstein. Some people ask "Why?" Luke asks, "Why not?"
Claire: I ask why a lot

Ari: You know how siblings can be, right?
Jim: Oh, you have a brother?
Ari: I do, and a whore of a sister. So I can relate to the siblings-squablings

Woman: I have a right to be here!
Russell: Yes, you do! But criticizing is easy. Governing is hard! Put that on your next placard!

Wonderful. We've got a demi-Godess who's gone complete berserk.


So do you think I'm gonna turn into, like, a, an old school Bela Lugosi type or maybe, like, a hip, sexy Twilight vampire with like the (puckers lips and makes kissy face) and, like, the cool hair or what?


I love you. I got you. I got you. You're not going to be alone.


Creed: We're screwed.
Michael: Who is?
Creed: Us? You and me. The old timers.
Michael: I am not old. You are old. You are like a hundred.
Creed: You're over 40, that's the cut off. Are you listening to what he's saying? Re-training. New system. Youth. I'm telling you this kid is the grim reaper. You deal with this or you, me, Sammy, Phyllis, the chick you hit with the car, we're goners.

Alison: What am I asking?
Jenny: Ask if the CT scan showed any broken bones.
Alison: Of course it did. Did you see his legs?
Jenny: Yeah, not just legs. His arms, ribs, uh, pelvis. Got it! Our UFO lady might be right. I think our body fell from the sky.