Captain, it seems we have a common enemy. I hope that means we can work towards finding a common ground.


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The Orville Season 2 Episode 9: "Identity, Pt.2"
The Orville
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The Orville Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes, The Orville Quotes
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The Orville Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Grayson: We're on our way to Earth with their... ambassadorial delegation.
Marcos: That's one big delegation.
Grayson: Well, they're...
Mercer: They're very big on ... pageantry.

Dr. Finn: How the hell can you even look us in the eye after what you've done? We all trusted you. My kids still do. They honestly believe that you'll protect them.
Isaac: I understand. It is a common weakness of biological life forms.