Ben: What I needed was for you to wait for me. I jumped through time and space to save you. And you couldn’t wait three years. I would’ve waited forever for you, Addison. I would’ve never stopped looking.
Addison: It is easy to say that you would wait when you are not the one who had to wait. When you are the one who left and not the one that got left behind.

Tom: How goes the leap?
Addison: Neal Russell. I mean, can you believe that? I’m having a hard time not just staring at him.
Tom: You realize you said that out loud.
Addison: Yeah, well, teenage me would’ve shouted that from the rooftops, so that’s growth.

Do not tell me how hard it has been for you because I waited. I grieved. And then I buried you along with the life that we were supposed to have together. A life that you left me in, alone.

Addison: If you go to that base and they dose you again, you could die.
Ben: That’s what this is for.
Addison: Adrenaline?
Ben: Uh-huh. Nicked it while I was in the hospital.
Addison: Since when do you ‘nick’ things?

Ben: I’m not saying I don’t hear you. And I’m not saying there isn’t merit to what you’re saying.
Addison: Thank you
Ben: I’m just saying you’re wrong.

Addison: Look, my entire purpose is to support you through these leaps and I am trying to do that, but you keep making these decisions. Rash decisions that you would not have made three years ago…
Ben: You mean three DAYS ago.

Magic: All the agony and loss we went through doesn’t vanish just because Ben’s alive. We still carry all three years of it.
Addison: I, uh, I don’t know how to help him anymore. It’s so strange to look at Ben – my Ben – and not know what to do.

Addison: I already buried you once. Please, do not make me bury you again.
Ben: No one made you do that! No one made you bury me after two years, but you did. And now, I have to live with whatever that means for the rest of my life. Whatever kind of life this is. Now, I’m doing this. And if you aren’t with me as my hologram, this will not work. So please, don’t give up on me. Again.

Tom: I didn’t pass my first time either.
Addison: That is true. Tom and I may have failed this a few times at Fort Rucker.
Tom: Except we were shooting at cardboard cutouts.
Addison: That was thirteen years ago. Things have progressed.
Tom: Yeah, we’re old. Don’t remind me.

Addison: Y’know, I keep expecting you or Ian or Magic to shake me or yell at me. Tell me to get back in there and at least talk to him. I just don’t know what to do with all this quiet acceptance.
Jenn: Yeah, well, any chance you’re expecting us to fight you because that’s what you really want?

Ben: What if it actually works and you have to go back in time?
Addison: That’s the mission.
Ben: Yeah, yeah, I know. But it just seems crazy. Right? That you have to risk your life.
Addison: That’s the mission, Ben. That’s why they call it military service. We dedicate our lives and yeah, you sometimes risk them, in service of something greater. The greater goal than any one of us could accomplish alone. It’s my job, and it makes me happy doing it.
Ben: I know, but what if we… what if I lose you?
Addison: Then you’ll come find me.

Quantum Leap Quotes

Look, I’m not trying to tell you how to do your job. I’m just merely offering a counterpoint from someone who has impeccable taste in music.


Addison: Have you been hiding?
Ben: Hiding? No, I was just in a different section of the apartment.
Addison: You mean the bathroom where you were hiding from the party you didn’t want to have?
Ben: I love parties. Having everyone in here, touching all our stuff. I would’ve proposed way sooner if I knew we got to do this.