Alex: You don't like the man you work for.
Edgar: I work for president Ugara, Kalumay is a boy.
Alex: He likes to have a good time, what's wrong with that?
Edgar: As long as he never meets me daughter.
Alex: Amen.

Alex: All I had to do was press a button. Kalumay, the lab, Jaden, it would have all been gone. I would have been free and clear.
Nikita: So what stopped you?
Alex: You did. I asked myself 'what would Nikita do?'

Alex: This mission felt right, it felt good.
Nikita: Do you really think Percy's going to let you hang on to that feeling?

Alex: I look at you and you call your own shots. You're not running away.
Nikita: It doesn't mean I can't wait for this to be over.

Alex: I'm trying to protect you.
Nathan: From the mob?! That guy Michael, your boss, is definitely connected. You owe them money or something?

Percy: You were so innocent. How do you get from there to here?
Alex: It started the night you burnt my house down.

Division might have been the weapon that killed my family, but you pulled the trigger.

Alex [to Percy]

Alex: This is just a game to you
Percy: Not just any game: chess. A match between Nikita and myself. You're one of her pawns, I just captured her knight, and she's about to move her bishop, Ryan Fletcher. What she doesn't realize is that I'm always thinking several moves ahead. Come on, you're Russian. Your father must have taught you chess. Remember how a pawn can become a queen just by crossing over to the other side.
Alex: I will never be on your side.

Did you kill my father? I need to know.

Good luck, and goodbye.

Alex [to Nikita]

Amanda: Percy is busy; otherwise I'm sure he'd trigger your kill chip himself.
Alex: That's too bad; I would have loved to see his face one last time.
Amanda: Before you go...
Alex: Let me guess, you'd like to ask me a few questions?
Amanda: Actually just one. Why?

One minute you're telling me everything's going to be OK, and the next minute you're kissing Percy's ass.

Alex [to Michael]

Nikita Quotes

The last word they breathe before the end, will be my name.


I was the first recruit to get out, and I'm going to make certain I'm not the last.


Nikita Music

  Song Artist
Elephant Song The Enemy iTunes
Song Fuego Bomba Estereo iTunes
The Step And The Walk The Duke Spirit iTunes