Birkhoff: Amanda, why can't you stay dead.
Amanda: It wasn't a good color on me

Deception is more important than brute force.

Who will you be?

I told you. I've thought of everything.

My most perfect creation.

Well, they are getting good at this.

Maybe I've underestimated what I've given up.

Amanda: It's good to see you, Ari
Ari: I can't say the same.

It doesn't look like I'm leaving Geneva empty-handed after all.

You think you're the only one with daddy issues?

So this is how ends. Just like it begun.

Yes, Alex, the lesson is that every operative is disposable.

Nikita Quotes

The last word they breathe before the end, will be my name.


I was the first recruit to get out, and I'm going to make certain I'm not the last.


Nikita Music

  Song Artist
Elephant Song The Enemy iTunes
Song Fuego Bomba Estereo iTunes
The Step And The Walk The Duke Spirit iTunes