I'm telling you Sam, you find their killers, you save Mama Rose.

Annie: Come on, Sam. We're here to have fun.
Sam: (sarcastically) Right, that must be why I'm here.

Sam: I was feeling everything coming down around me (exhales deeply) so I came in here looking for answers but ... I-I ... I don't know what's real anymore.
Annie: In my clinic work, I met a paranoid schizophrenic who had learned to live without his meds and his treatment. And he said whenever he felt the walls really starting to cave in, he would remember his happiest memory, because at least that was real.

Sam: You're missing the point. Maybe this is the reason why I'm here. To figure out what happened to my family ... and to prevent my father from leaving.
Annie: Are you saying that that filthy kidnapper is your father?
Sam: That's exactly what I'm saying ... Happy Birthday to me.

Come on Sam. We're here to have fun.

Annie: No broken bones, no bruises. Do you feel like you're gonna vomit?
Sam: I am a little nauseous, to tell you the truth. But you would be, too, if you took the last flight in from 2008.

Life on Mars Quotes

If I'd wanted to be this bored, I'd go to Mass with the missus and her miserable mother.


I have an ass that can fart every Peter, Paul & Mary song ever recorded.

Ray Carling